
Welcome to Sunday School Shorts! An Introduction and Where We're Headed!

Greetings Random Internet User,

I suppose you’re here to learn more about the Sunday School Shorts YouTube channel. I thought of the idea for this channel several years ago after having several conversations with people who had complete misconceptions about what the Bible actually says. I think a lot of this confusion can come from many different sources, but one of those, perhaps, is that people don’t actually read the Bible for themselves. And I get it. It’s a very large book, seems outdated, and it can be hard to understand sometimes. There’s all sorts of parables, and proverbs, and prophecies (the three P’s!) and a lot of really strange preaching (another P!!) available out there in a ton of different mediums.

The goal of this channel is simple. To help you understand and know the Bible better. I’m not going to get preachy, I’m not going to thump you over the head with it either. While I do believe it’s true and the message contained within is of eternal value, the format that we are in right now doesn’t provide an avenue for a relationship to be built and for trust to be formed. I don’t know you. I don’t know what you’ve been through. I don’t know your background or story. I’m just talking to a camera, and to you— I’m just some guy on the internet. But I do hope that at least I can provide a fun, engaging, and educational experience. We’re just going to open it up and see what it has to say, and try to understand what it means, in its original, historical context and see what that could possibly mean for us today. So if that sounds intriguing to you, I’d love for you to come along as we crack open the Bible together, and hopefully we’ll also have a few laughs along the way.

- Nathan


Sunday School Shorts Welcome Trailer


The Gospel from the Air: Creation Part One